Trusted Partnerships and Unparalleled Expertise

At Lino Industrial Inc, we forge strong partnerships with renowned global manufacturers, ensuring our customers have access to the latest advancements in automation and robotics. With our extensive network, we offer a diverse product portfolio that caters to the unique needs and specifications of clients, regardless of their industry or application.

WHy work with us

Simply because our SUCCESS is mutual.

Unlock the Potential of Lino Industrial Inc

Whether you represent a small business, a large corporation, or you are an industry professional, Lino Industrial Inc is your trusted partner for all your automation, robotics, and industrial parts needs. Explore our comprehensive product range, tap into our expertise, and discover how our solutions can drive your business forward.


Experience the Difference with Lino Industrial Inc As a distinguished distributor and manufacturer, Lino Industrial Inc is committed to delivering superior automation and robotic products that drive efficiency, productivity, and success across various industries.

Our comprehensive range encompasses state-of-the-art robots, automated systems, control devices, and industrial machinery, carefully designed to streamline operations and fuel growth.